Changing password of any account isn’t a big deal because it can be easily done. You don’t have to perform any advance steps to change your password. The importance of changing your password is that it saves your account from external threats and also lets to the safety and security of your account. Changing password doesn’t take too much of time and is also quite simple and easy.
You can also change your password is case if you got bored of your old password.Mojang Change Password is the option which lets you to change the password of your Mojang Account. All you need to do is to follow these simple step- Visit Mojang’s website, login with your credentials, go to Settings>Account>Change Password, enter your current password and then enter your new password twice and click on save. Yes, your password has been changed successful by using the Mojang Change Password.
The same goes with Minecraft, you can change its password by using the same steps as mentioned above. The only difference is that you need to visit Minecraft’s website and then follow all the same steps and do it with Minecraft Change Password.
If you encounter any problem in changing your password by using Minecraft Change Password option then you can contact Minecraft Customer Service.